Jason Goldman

The Goldman Method

A Systematic Approach to Jazz Improvisation

The Goldman Method is a gold mine for anyone wishing to enter the realm of musical creativity. In this book, there is enough theory to keep you from scratching your head, but not so much as to make your head spin. This book provides you with great ingredients; the melodic figures and gestures that will help you sound like an accomplished jazz musician from day one. Most importantly, Jason shows you how to use and practice with these figures, so that you can internalize the language of jazz. If you use the Goldman Method in the way this book prescribes, you will have a wonderful and successful start down a path of lifelong enjoyment in music making. - Shelly Berg, Dean, Frost School of Music, University of Miami; Concord Recording Artist

Product Details

Title:The Goldman Method

Instrumentation:Saxophone (any)


Score: 1

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